Need a peer-reviewed, constantly updated POA TYS answer that has gone through brutal reviews from redditors, smart alec and MPOA students?

These solutions are crowd-sourced from 100s of students and written by the Master Principles of Accounts tutor team that has collectively taught over 1000+ students in MOE schools and privately over the past 14 years.



Small Group Lessons

Instructor-led weekly small group lessons. Learn and interact with other students with traditional set up. Get printed worksheets and notes weekly.

All study options include access to study guides, summary notes and cheatsheets and accompanying worksheets hand delivered on-site or to mailed to your home.

Weekly Online Group Coaching

Save precious travel time with our instructor-led, no-commute lessons at the comfort from your home. Includes LIVE, individual marking and feedback that ensures you are kept engaged through out lessons. 24/7 access to past notes and worksheets + lessons recordings. Consult on your school homework

Self-Directed Learning

Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-size 8 min-video lessons, quizzes with instant feedback and access the MPOA QnA forum with your MPOA peers and instructors. Review specific concepts over again if you get stuck.

Suitable for time-starved, motivated students who want to cover individual topics in-depth within a short time.


Unfortunately, all Cambridge-GCE papers in Singapore are copyrighted and prohibited from being published electronically or on any websites.

Only select publishers, authorised by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB), are allowed to distribute the 10-year series in print or electronically.

As a team, we prefer to use SAP’s YooBook version of the POA TYS yearly questions as it is:
1. Digital – convenient and you can practice anywhere on your Android/iOS devices.
2. Accessible by up to 3 separate devices.
3. Cheap – at least 24 months of access for lesser the cost of printed questions from the bookstores.

You can, however, find specimen papers for POA (or other subjects for that matter), by searching Google or the SEAB site.
Or simply click on this link and download the PDF files.

Yes. Absolutely. Our Ultimate Bundle to Master Principles of Accounts includes indepth video-explainers for each topic tested in the GCE O/N level POA, video walkthroughs for commonly tested exam questions as well as access to lookalike prelim papers with video solutions from the top schools in Singapore.

Students who enrol with any of our classes automatically have full access to these resources, including the printed versions of the worksheets, study guide and up-to-date summary/cheat-sheets.

Our answers are done live, immediately after each year’s national exam, typically published within hours after the each paper. These drafts are brutally reviewed on reddit and updated as students, tutors and even some school teachers write in to highlight any items of interest, typos or errors. The answers are sent to over 400 accounting tutors and teachers, 2000+ students in our mailing list and undocumented number of students from the Reddit community.

Like What You See?

There’s more. Complete, step-by-step video explainers of Sec 3 POA EOY and Sec 4 POA Prelim lookalike exam papers, sorted by topics and difficulty, quizzes, worksheets and online community of POA learners.



Program Coordinator

I will be back soon

Hi!​ This is Tabby, Program Lead for Master POA. New POA classes are coming up in 2025. Click to reach out for details!
New MPOA Classes! New POA Classes!