2013 GCE N Levels Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

image: Class in accounting at Mary (sic) Morrison Carnegie School, Pittsburgh, PA

Heyo N Levelers!

Congratulations on completing your entire N Level exams!

Every year, I try out the N Level papers for my students and since I’m doing that, I thought it’d be fun to hear your views and responses.

This year’s paper is amazingly easy (which means the bell curve could be punishing). I’ve indicated my views on parts which I think has contestable responses in red. Teachers/tutors/students, let me know what you think!

When you are ready, right click and choose “Save As” to download:

7092/01/ 02 GCE N’ Level Principles of Accounts 2013 Suggested Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can you upload the question paper for Paper 1

A: Question papers cannot be uploaded due to copyright reasons. I may be arrested and never to be able to upload anything in future

Q: My presentation is this like my school teacher says, it differs from your answers – will I be marked wrong by Cambridge?

A: Well, in the final analysis – I’m not the examiner/guru/genie. This set of suggested solutions serves as a point of reference, not the absolute answers.

Q: I noticed that you made a mistake in the solutions. 

A: That’s why I put it up here for you to make comments. Help me better it that all of us can benefit. I’ll update and upload the new version(s) if there is a need. 🙂

When you are ready, right click and choose “Save As” to download:

7092/01/ 02 GCE N’ Level Principles of Accounts 2013 Suggested Solutions

Oh yes,

If you are doing O Levels this year, we still have space for our annual crash course. Do join us if you need a push for the final paper on 7 Nov. 🙂




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