2013 POA Suggested Solutions for Paper 2!

Hi there!

For those who have put in your fair share of labor, I hope today’s paper was easy for you. 🙂 This year, we have a lag with sources for Paper 1. We will put up the suggested solutions for P1 ASAP. If you are looking for it, head straight below, read the FAQ section and download your answers for review.


To my 2013 students, I just want to say thanks for making this year one of the most enjoyable and memorable moments in my teaching career.

You’ve been such a delightful and fun cohort to teach. What a privilege it is to share moments with you in the classrooms and outside of them.

They are memories I’ll have with me for a long time. I’m grateful for the sense of joy and anticipation every time I am in the class and I’m so happy to see so many survive my very bad jokes.

Look forward to see you make good of the learning experience we had together (POA or not) and may you excel tremendously in whichever industry you set your eyes on.

I’ll miss you sorely. 🙂

Your partner in crime,



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you upload the question paper for Paper 1?

A: No, unfortunately. Question papers cannot be uploaded due to copyright reasons. Authorized publishers will make these available at all major bookstores from Feb 2014 onwards.

Q: My presentation is this like my school teacher says, it differs from your answers – will I be marked wrong by Cambridge?

A: I’m not the examiner/guru/genie. This remains as suggested solutions and serves as a point of reference.They are not absolute answers. We can discuss who’s right and wrong till the cows come home but it’s decided by the all-power examiner. 🙂

Q: I noticed something is wrong with your answer. Did you make a mistake?

A: Well, the mistake could be mine. In fact, assume it’s mine. 🙂

That’s why I put it up here for discussion. Help better it that all of us can benefit. Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below. I’ll update and upload the new version(s) if there is a need. 🙂


When you are ready, right click and choose “Save As” to download:

7092/02 GCE O’ Level Principles of Accounts 2013 Paper 2 Suggested Solutions

Again, we will upload the answers for Paper 1 as soon as we can. 🙂

Update 1:

8 Nov, 9:48a.m -Solution update:

Adrian Chiam pointed out that insurance expenses was for 15 months. (Thanks)

22 Nov, 5:42p.m

Solutions revised! Credit goes to:

Joshua Ng, Jun Hong, poastudent, Tim, Qq, Green, Chloe and the community on PrinciplesofAccounts.com.sg!

Comments are closed at this time. Check back soon!

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