2011 GCE O’ Level Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

So guys, it’s a few more weeks before your O’s are finally over!
Yes, I know some of you have been waiting long for the suggested solutions.
Braving thunderstorm and huge downpour some slight drizzle, I’ve been able to receive both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of 2011 GCE O’ Level POA Paper yesterday afternoon, thanks to an equally brave student. 🙂
In response to a student’s question on my thoughts for this year’s paper:
Overall difficulty was similar to the last 2-3 years (prior comparison to that was meaningless since it was old syllabus). It’s the kind of paper I would set.
What worked
Questions like:
1. MV, Prov for Dep and Disposal, Margins,
2. ratios and analysis (liquidity and profitability) in both P1 and P2
3. Sales ledger (compared to 2010’s purchase ledger)
came out big time as predicted (to my students).
Amalgamation of businesses and effect of transactions on type of capital did not come out as predicted (phew!). It was a bet while we had to decide what was important for the crash course.
Many were surprised with the Drawings and Capital accounts which were Sec 3 work and were of substantial weightage. Students who have strong foundation of debits/credits and ratios + commentary will cruise through these sections..
Current A/c and partnership didn’t come out – I think to compensate for the surprise in P1, I think… It’s a disappointment.
The repeat of Trial Balance and Errors not revealed by it was both a good news and bad news. Most of my students will do well because of the many practices we did throughout the year. Bad news for those who predicted it will not come out because it would have been a repeat of 2010. Even that, Trial Balance was a simple question – although (with much embarrassment) my first upload of P1 had some mistakes related to it.
For P2, except for additional information part 4 in Q1, not many questions can substantially differentiate the A1 and A2 student. Only difficulty I imagined is to get the full 5 marks when you comment on the liquidity position in Q3c.
Past questions can be repeated.
Spotting questions worked around 60% for us this year.
Always be prepared emotionally for surprises. Stay cool.
Suggested Solution
Tell me what you think. Here it is!
Right click and choose “Save As” to download:
4 Nov:
7092/02 GCE O’ Level Principles of Accounts 2011 Paper 2 Suggested Solutions
Solutions for Paper 1 cannot be uploaded due to copy right reasons.
Thanks guys!