2019 N Level POA Answers
Paper 1 : Paper 2 :
Paper 1 : Paper 2 :
So, a question came in this week over a whatsapp group chat from a Parent: Question: My son got 63/80 for math and 31/40 for FCE… So… He needs to choose between POA and FCE… Is POA very similar to Math? What is a better option for him? POA or FCE???? Caleb: I’ll start with…
A Simple Chart Summarizing Features of Accountancy Degree Programmes offered in Singapore Universities
Unlike errors made in school homework, bookkeepers cannot undo errors using correction tape. Whenever errors in recording transactions occurs, bookkeepers will use correcting double entries to make right the errors. Correction of Errors The trial balance is designed to detect certain errors and not others. In this article, we look at two types of errors:…
Hey folks! The solutions are out! This year predictions are pretty on point. 2 misses though. Download the solutions with the button here
Paper 1 : Paper 2 : Have a great weekend! Caleb
Congratulations to all Jump Grades’ students! We’ve been slogging it out over the past week focussing on the key chapters we were spotting that might come out for Os: At Jurong East: At Macpherson (Bedok + Kovan Students) DAY BEFORE EXAM CAMPING AT SAIZERIYA: The results are out. Comparing Caleb’s guess vs what came out….
Phew! It’s over. On Paper 1 day last Friday, we tackled multiple topics + theory just the night before exams. Here’s the result: The Suggested Solutions Here’s the draft/suggested/imperfect solutions for Paper 1 and 2. Paper 1: Paper 2: Feel free to comment or reply with your feedback and suggestions!
There are several methods of depreciation used across different financial reporting standards around the world. For the 7175 and 7088 GCE O/N Level Syllabus, we focus on two specific methods: 1. Straight Line Method (SLM) 2. Reducing Balance Method (RBM) Methods Advantages Disadvantages Effect on Net Profit Straight Line Method a. Dep = (HC-SV) Useful…
What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Accounting Bookkeeping Accounting is the process of recording, summarising, reporting, analysing and interpretation of financial information. Book-keeping is part of the accounting process. It involves the process of recording accounting data according to set rules. Role of accounting is to communicate financial information for decision-making purposes. Role…
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