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Master Principles Of Accounts


Performance-targeted, student-centred POA tuition for struggling students

Specially for those who are taking the GCE O/N Level Principles of Accounts and A Level H2 Principles of Accounting

POA Tutors Singapore

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The Proven POA Tuition “LEAP”
Framework That’s Fun and Connects

Master Principles of Accounts tuition program provides a comprehensive curriculum based on the LEAP framework that is specifically designed for students struggling for the latest 7086/7087 GCE O/N Level Principles of Accounts syllabus by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.

Designed for struggling students


160+ Ratings

Over 8,000 POA students benefited from Master Principles of Accounts Study Guides and POA tuition classes since 2008.

Small group POA Tuition Classes

Small Group Sizes

At Master Principles of Accounts, each skilled POA tutor works with students in a small group setting to foster a conducive learning environment during the tuition classes. Studying Principle of Accounts can be fun if there are right resources taught by engaging POA tuition teachers.

POA Portal Tuition Singapore

Student Learning Portal​ (Pocket Tutor)

Comprehensive online learning portal containing bite-size recorded lessons, step-by-step video explainers, quizzes and POA mock exam papers, complimentary to all our accounting POA tuition students

Get WA and mid year exam tips and hacks, exam techniques and in-depth coverage of heavy markers such as your balance day adjustments. All right in your pocket.

Looking for accounting POA tutors in Singapore?


Year Founded


Students Taught


F9 to B3 and above



POA Basics Tuition Classes
All Master POA Students have access to additional recordings, video explainers, practice papers, quizzes and summary sheets for revision and reviews, on top of consultations in a private homework room.

If you are totally new or unsure how you managed to pass your double entry basics ( or “I memorized”), the basics class is for you.

The Master POA Basics course is a two-lesson intensive class specifically designed for totally new or struggling students who need help with the basic double entries. Here, we build (or rebuild) your foundation before you join a regular POA tuition class for more advanced topics.

The Master POA Basics class is on a custom schedule and begins whenever there are 2-3 students who need help with the basics.

  • Experience the Master POA tutor difference and get acquainted with our POA tutor’s teaching style
  • Go through our POA Basics Diagnostics Test to see if you are suitable for this class
  • Accounting Concepts
  • 3 Steps to Perfect Double Entries
  • The Brilliant Design of the Double Entry System
  • Contra-Accounts and Multi-accounts
  • Transferring Double Entries to Ledgers
  • Private candidates or
    Home-schoolers, new to POA.
  • Sec 3 students in term 3 struggling with double entry basics
  • Sec 4 students who struggle with double entries looking to join a regular, weekly POA tuition class
  • Students who are new to accountancy courses in poly and universities who need an introduction and broad overview of the subject
  • Learners interested in the mechanism of the double entry system with the help of a POA tutor

The basics class is a 2-lesson online, LIVE-Class with the POA Tutor. MPOA Basics students will have 3 months access to the class recordings as well as access to additional training, quizzes and summary cards to master the accounting basics.


Anna Naveen

Caleb taught me easier methods to tackle different type of questions than what I learnt from school. With his guidance and consistent revision, I was able to jump to an A2 by the end of my Sec 5.

Anna Naveen

Bartley Secondary School, 2019



Small-classes are conducted throughout the week. The average class size of 6-8 is designed for maximum impact.

POA Online Tuition
Small group online tuition

During our regular POA tuition class, students will apply the foundation debits and credits against the advanced topics. Using real life examples, the Master POA tutor breaks down the complex jargons and help students apply them in the POA exams.

  • Are in Sec 3 and 4/5 or private candidates
  • Have gone through the POA Basics Class
  • Understand (not memorised) how the double-entry system works and can record basic transactions. (Unsure? Take the diagnostics)
  • Need close supervision in a traditional classroom environment and physical interaction with other students for peer/social learning
  • Group Lessons: Once-a-week, 1.5 hour online class with the master POA tutor
  • 1:1 Home Tuition: Once-a-week, 1.5 hours minimally with your tutor

Our regular, on-demand POA lessons will help you master the fundamentals of accounting and business reporting, as well as exam techniques to tackle and excel in your POA exams.

  • Are in Sec 3 and 4/5 or private candidates
  • Have gone through the POA Basics Class
  • Understand (not memorised) how the double-entry system works and can record basic transactions. (Unsure? Take the diagnostics)
  • Have to navigate tight CCA schedules and want to avoid wasting time commuting.
  • Appreciate the ease of using edtech tools for consultations and used to processing video explainers
  • Empirical evidence from our experience also shows that students who are introverts or have learning difficulties perform better as the online learning platform offers a safe space to ask questions via text and make mistakes necessary for learning.
  • Once-a-week, 1.5 hour online class with the master POA tutor
  • Consultation with private virtual assignment rooms.


POA Online Tuition
Get coached by ex-MOE teachers and tutors with at least 10 years of teaching experience each

Small-classes are conducted throughout the week. The average class size of 6-8 is designed for maximum impact.

In Good Company

All Master POA students enjoy the same access to our curriculum delivered by qualified and handpicked tutors and trained with Master Principles of Accounts POA Tuition Curriculum.

POA Tutors for Principles of accounts tuition

Our tutors are practitioners, scholars and ex-MOE teacher. They are patient and relatable with decades of teaching experience. If you are an experienced POA tutor / accounting tutor in Singapore and love imparting your passion for POA, we would love to speak with you. 


1. POA Online Group Lessons

POA Group Lessons

Weekly Online Class with Private Homework Room

Save precious travel time with our instructor-led, no-commute lessons at the comfort from your home. Includes LIVE POA tuition, individual marking and feedback that ensures you are kept engaged through out lessons. 24/7 access to past notes and worksheets + lessons recordings. Consult on your school homework

2. Online Portal

POA Learning Portal for POA Tuition
Online Portal

Master POA Online Course

Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-size 8 min-video lessons, quizzes with instant feedback and access the MPOA QnA forum with your MPOA peers and instructors. Review specific concepts over again if you get stuck.

Suitable for time-starved, motivated students who want to cover individual topics in-depth within a short time without committing to weekly POA tuition class.

Your Journey to Mastering POA Starts In Just
4 Simple Steps

POA Tuition for all learning modes

Tell us about yourself

Let us know where you are at POA and if you need help with double entry basics plus your preferred learning mode.

Matched based on profile for POA Tuition

Get expertly matched

Our program coordinator will pair you up with the perfect tutoring arrangement based on your profile and preference

Personalised study plan for POA

Get your personalised study plan

Get a crystal clear roadmap to completing the syllabus in time for your exams – with specific timeline and topical coverage.

POA Online Classes

Embark on your learning journey

Get familiar with your tutor and experience what it is like to learn with Master Principles of Accounts


Master Principles of Accounts is founded by Caleb Ho with 14-year teaching experience, author and award winner of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the TED conference. Caleb is an accounting graduate from Nanyang Business School, NTU. Find out more our education philosophy and teaching framework here.

Our team of Master POA instructors are authors, scholars, ex-MOE teachers, accounting practitioners in MNCs, chartered accountants, financial analysis, top accounting graduates and teaching assistants and lecturers in esteemed universities and colleges. We will recommend the most suitable tutor arrangement that meet your learning needs. Find out more about the Master Principles of Accounts team, our teaching approach and the POA home tutor here.

The answer is no. A typical POA class in school has 20% of new learners are topping the class and 50% of the learners are confused and struggling. Most get by if they spend effort to make sure their foundation is right. Diligent students who does a fair share of googling and you-tubing will get the help they need.

POA tuition is necessary in cases where students are stuck or miss details in the nuances of exam questions, tripping over small details that matter or make assumptions that’s clearly wrong without guidance. You can master principles of accounts on your own or ace your poa without tuition. It’s just faster, better and with less frustration with guidance and with a solid set of materials that is curated to help you overcome and excel in the subject.

Achieving results for our students is the number 1 priority, therefore we keep our class sizes small by capping it 8 students in each class. Click here for our POA tuition schedules and fees.

POA is a principles-based subject. In many instances, the ‘ah-ha’ moments happen when a student asks a question that another didn’t think about asking – but it is that exact question that clears the knowledge gap. Similarly, when a difficult concept is experienced by everyone, no individual student feels that they are alone struggling. The online class discussions and pacing with other students often reinforces the cadence needed to keep learning motivating.

In some cases, however, students may require 1:1 attention from a patient teacher, especially if attention span or learning difficulty is a proven issue for learners in a group setting.

We understand that a good fit is important. You can sign up for a paid trial lesson to see how our tutors simplify accountings concepts during a POA tuition class. As seats are limited, please sign up as soon as possible and we will reserve a slot for you.

We can try to accommodate your preference if you are looking at 1:1 POA home tuition or POA tuition online. Feel free to indicate in the enquiry form here.

Yes, we understand that in some situations, students may have difficulty attending group lessons online. You may request 1:1 at poa home tuition or online tuition using our Master POA Private Room. Unlike a request from a tuition agency, all MPOA students, including those in the 1:1 arrangement, have access to the MPOA platform – including all the perks of the MPOA question vault, video explainers and student community.

The choice of tutor is subject to mutual availability. Each of our Master POA tutors, given their profile and busy schedule, have very limited 1:1 slots and goes out within the first term in the academic year – do enquire early to avoid disappointment.

The Master POA follows the LEAP framework using real-life, age-appropriate examples to help students connect POA concepts with common sense, day-to-day activities. If you want a just-in-time, logic-first approach not just to answer exam questions but to understand the spirit or concept behind it, we welcome you to join us. Find out more about our teaching frame work here.

We are probably not a good fit for you, if you are:
– Huge on memorisation
– Like big classes with hours-long, content-stuffing lesson format
– Perfectionist and unwilling to make mistakes in class to uncover learning gaps.

And also not a good fit: if you are adamant to stick with the school teacher’s approach, despite it clearly not working for you. Suffice to say, if the MOE teacher method worked, you shouldn’t be reading this FAQ. :)

Short answer: Yes and No.

The building blocks of understanding that aggregate towards the core topics in the curriculum requires that the foundation is correctly built. We liken this to be like the foundations of a building. The deep work is done in the foundation and development is accelerated when there is a firm foundation. Students who memorised double entries might have done well in the early tests. But cracks will show up in the double entry diagnostic tests if the basics was memorised rather than understood.

We have 2 options for time-starved, schedule-packed-with-cca/tuition students.
#1. Join our popular POA crash course that has started since 2009, with materials revamped every time the syllabus changes. With Covid-19, the format has changed a little but still jam-packed with goodness. Find out more about our School Holiday Workshops here.
#2. Subscribe to our self-directed, self-pace learning portal and access to all our materials in bite-size format. Video explainer, quizzes, worksheets, study guide, summary cards – the full works for your poa examination. Get consultation hours online for a small-addon with our MPOA instructors.

We are accounting-only subject specialist. If you need help with math tuition, history tuition, chemistry tuition or economics tuition, feel free to reach out to one of our trusted partners.



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POA Tuition Generic Enquiry Form (Online Lessons)_Updated 25 Oct 22
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  • Which Level