Difference Between Bookkeeping And Accounting

Difference Between Bookkeeping And Accounting

What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Accounting Bookkeeping Accounting is the process of recording, summarising, reporting, analysing and interpretation of financial information. Book-keeping is part of the accounting process. It involves the process of recording accounting data according to set rules.  Role of accounting is to communicate financial information for decision-making purposes.  Role…

2014 7092 GCE O Levels POA Suggested Solutions for Paper 2 (Only)

No greater delight is there as a POA tutor to have used super eye-power to spot questions in the last two days for his beloved students! Unlike before, the crash course this year has been shorten from 18 hours (3 miserable days) last year to a mere 8 hours over 2 days with battle-weary-grouchy-always-hungry-panda-eyes-16-yr-olds. I…

2013 GCE N Levels Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

image:ย Class in accounting at Mary (sic) Morrison Carnegie School, Pittsburgh, PA Heyo N Levelers! Congratulations on completing your entire N Level exams! Every year, I try out the N Level papers for my students and since I’m doing that, I thought it’d be fun to hear your views and responses. This year’s paper is amazingly…

An Overview of Macro-Level Opportunities in Accountancy in Singapore

An Overview of Macro-Level Opportunities in Accountancy in Singapore

If you are embarking on a course on accounting, whether itโ€™s Principles of Accounts (POA) or at tertiary level, hereโ€™s some good news for you. Singapore aspires to be a leading global accountancy hub for Asia-Pacific which is the fastest-growing region in accountancy services, forecasted to reach US$ 38.3 billion by 2013. Singapore contributed 2.8%…

2012 GCE Oโ€™ Level Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

2012 GCE Oโ€™ Level Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

After hearing that Miss Loi’s Joss Sticks website crashed even before E MathsPaper 2 solutions were out, I wondered if we had to do backups to avoid the same fate… except that I’m reminded that POA is taken by only approximately 20% of the cohort. ๐Ÿ˜‰ So I have 1/5 the same risk. ๐Ÿ˜‰ The…

2012 GCE N Levels Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

Suggested Solution It’s 8 days since your last paper. Hope you guys are having a great time with your holidays! This year’s suggested solutions came in a little late as the O’ levelers are ramping up their revision. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyhow, it’s here now! Tell me what you think. Right click and choose โ€œSave Asโ€ to…

2011 GCE O’ Level Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

2011 GCE O’ Level Principles of Accounts (POA) Suggested Solutions!

So guys, it’s a few more weeks before your O’s are finally over! Yes, I know some of you have been waiting long for the suggested solutions. Braving thunderstorm and huge downpour some slight drizzle, I’ve been able to receive both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of 2011 GCE O’ Level POA Paper yesterday afternoon,…